International Japanese Studies Symposium: Embodied Discourse, Embodied Practice The Body as Text, Medium, and Testimony in Japan

Call for paper
2024 January 25-26
International Japanese Studies Symposium: Embodied Discourse, Embodied Practice The Body as Text, Medium, and Testimony in Japan
The 8th Annual Hasekura International Japanese Studies Symposium: Embodied Discourse, Embodied Practice The Body as Text, Medium, and Testimony in Japanvenue: Sapienza University of Rome (in cooperation with Tohoku University andThe University of British Columbia)This symposium aims at investigating discourses and practices connected with the body as they relate to Japan, bringing together scholars of different disciplines from across the world. We invite scholars in all fields of the humanities and social sciences to join us and present their research.Researchers interested in joining us and presenting their work at the symposium should send a proposed title and brief description to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. by November 15, 2023. Selected participants will be responsible for their own travel and accomodation costs.We will also be separately issuing a CFP for a graduate student workshop to be held in connection with the symposium.