Science and Archaeology in Italy and Japan

Science and Archaeology in Italy and Japan

Kyoto, 9 e 10 maggio 2023
Modern archaeology has been developed almost simultaneously in Japan and Italy, with the first excavation of a mound tomb in Japan, the Samuraizuka kofun in 1692, ordered by Tokugawa Mitsukuni, and  with Ercolano and Pompei excavations in 1748. This research field has been intensely promoted by national governments and academic institutions, and at present employs techniques and approaches from the physical, chemical, biological, and earth sciences as well as engineering to address archaeological issues. Archaeometry provides archaeology instruments for collecting, analyzing and interpreting data related to material records of human history, with a reciprocal cross-fertilization of methodologies and interpretative tools that make archaeology and archaeometry truly transdisciplinary. In the workshop the history of archaeology and the archaeological methodology will address the employ of archaeometry in a comparative view of the field in Italy and Japan.