Catherine Earnshaw in Japan: An Analysis of Women’s Language in The Subtitled and Dubbed Versions of William Wyler's and Mary Soan

Catherine Earnshaw in Japan: An Analysis of Women’s Language in The Subtitled and Dubbed Versions of William Wyler's and Mary Soan

Novità editoriale - Maggio 2024

"English Classics in Audiovisual Translation" Edited By Irene Ranzato, Luca Valleriani Routledge ISBN 9781032560274 256 Pages

The book features well-known British literary texts but places a special emphasis on adaptations of the works of Jane Austen and William Shakespeare, figures whose afterlives have mirrored each other in the proliferation of film and television adaptations of their work. Chapters analyze myriad modes of AVT, including dubbing, subtitling, SDH, and voice-over.